Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some AWESOME German Advertising

These days there is so much advertising out there, it's literally impossible to get through an hour, let alone a day, without being bombarded by it.  This is why I get really excited when I see an advertising campaign that actually grabs my attention and makes me want to look at every detail...especially one that uses print.  These ads for a German job website do just that.  I guess this campaign is a few years old, so I'm pretty late in seeing it.  But, the fact that it's circling the web still is testament to it's success!

I can relate to these ads on so many levels.  As a designer, I am in awe of the creativity.  I consider this one of those "why didn't I think of that" kind of ideas.  As a human being, I can relate to crappy work environments.  And as a work-from-home MOM,  I often feel like these people trapped inside their boxes...working away tirelessly, seemingly invisible to the people they serve who just think everything just appears at their command out of thin air.  Sound familiar?!  ;-)  Enjoy!

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