Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Just a couple photos from the weekend...

Here's a shot of Toby I snapped while we were sitting on the front step.  I did a little Photoshopping...took out some color but didn't add any to what was there.  Those blue eyes are all his!  Love them!  How come the boys always get the best eyes and eyelashes?!

Here's what we were watching from the front step...

Here's a fun activity to do at the computer if you have a Mac (or maybe PC too...just not sure what software you'd use).  Sammy and I love to play with the "Photo Booth" program that comes with my mac, making silly faces at the computer and snapping pictures! ;-)

Hope you had a great weekend!  I'll have a new tutorial coming up tomorrow morning to start your week with...if I can decide which one to post...

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